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energy wood

Purchase of energy wood and production of wood chips

Purchase of energy wood and production of wood chips across mainland Estonia.

We offer forest owners a complete service for the cutting of standing timber, the extraction of timber and slash, and the sale of roundwood and energy wood.

Cutting brush with a guillotine and clearing ditches and property from brush. Depending on the nature of the work, we use tractors and excavators from various weight categories.
purchase of energy wood

Purchase of energy wood

purchase of energy wood

Purchase of energy wood

Purchase of energy wood in standing and stacked form. Shredding of energy wood into wood chips is done straight on site or on the side of the road.
purchase of stacked brushwood

Purchase of stacked brushwood

Purchase of stacked brushwood based on the volume of wood chips produced from it. The brushwood must be cut down in advance and stacked on the collection site.
purchase of slash

Purchase of slash

Purchase in the form of non-standard trunks, branches and crowns, and brushwood caused by cutting the undergrowth.
purchase of standing brush

Purchase of standing brush

The purchase of standing brush is based on the yield of the brushwood. It is possible to calculate the estimated volume of energy wood before the cutting even starts.
cutting brushwood with a guillotine

Cutting brushwood with a guillotine

Cutting brush in young growth aged at least ten years, with a height of seven to eight metres and a diameter at least eight centimetres.
sale of wood chips all across Estonia

Sale of wood chips all across Estonia

Sale of wood chips for heat and power generation. Sale of wood chips for the creation of recreational paths and playgrounds.

Production of wood chips

Production of wood chips with two Mus-Max 10 series wood chippers that are transported by Volvo trucks. It is possible to produce wood chips on the timber collection site as well as next to it on the roadside.

The maximum roundwood diameter that the chipper can handle is 75 centimetres. Because of the flying wood particles that are created in the wood chip production process, it is not recommended to stack energy wood near the immediate vicinity of residential buildings.

For the transportation of wood chips, we use four Scania trucks which use Knapen semi-trailers and two Scania multilifts.

We are one of the few companies in Estonia that provides cutting services, timber transport and on-site slash shredding. After the work is finished, we tidy the site and if necessary, we level the tracks and roads.
production of wood chips

Energy wood price

The price of the energy wood depends on its location and accessibility. Ideally, the entire production process should be carried out directly on the site.

The purchase price of energy wood has gone through a wild price rally in the recent years. Due to the increased demand for energy wood, the wholesale price of a cubic metre of wood chips rose to almost 30 euros in 2022, depending on the region. However, currently the prices are between 12 – 13 euros.

The sale of only a few cubic metres of energy wood is, however, not profitable because the servicing and transport costs of that quantity surpass all potential revenue.

Overall, the price of energy wood is largely influenced by boiler houses’ demand for wood chips and by the distance between the energy wood site and the closest delivery points.
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purchase of slash

Purchase of slash

Purchase of slash to produce wood chips. Cutting creates all kinds of slash – be it brushwood cut from an undergrowth or non-standard tree trunks that aren’t suitable to be sawn due to irregular shape or decay.  Additionally, there are numerous piles of branches and tree crowns that are too small for roundwood.

If a forest owner wishes to maximise their income and fully use the cut timber, it is advisable to sell various kinds of slash to a wood chip producer.
purchase of cutting rights to standing brush

Purchase of cutting rights to standing brush

The purchase of the cutting rights to standing brush is based on the cubic metres of the wood chips that has been produced from the brushwood. We also acquire land with standing brush or specific sections of overgrown land. The sale of overgrown land is also possible if there is a mortgage on the property.

The sale of the cutting rights to the standing brush might end up being more profitable than expected, as there has been a growth trend in the price of wood chips in recent years. The increased need for energy wood stems from the European Union’s efforts to achieve a cleaner environment through the use of renewable energy. Selling energy wood to produce renewable energy could be one of the possible solutions.
cutting brushwood with a guillotine

Cutting brushwood with a guillotine

Cutting brush with a guillotine comes into question in young growth where the height should be around eight metres and the trunk diameter should start from eight centimetres. The maximum diameter of roundwood that can be cut is 38 centimetres.

The use of a guillotine for brush cutting is widely used in clearing overgrown areas of new developments and in maintaining overgrown ditches or forest rides. The accumulated energy wood resulting from brush cutting is utilised on-site for the production of wood chips, which are then supplied to boiler houses or cogeneration plants.