Forest harvesting and the purchase of cutting rights
Forest harvesting and the purchase of cutting rights are one of the primary areas of operation for our company. Cutting services all across Estonia, with the help of personal forestry equipment and a professional workforce. We offer forest owners a complete service ranging from planning and carrying out the cutting to the buying-up of slash and reforestation of cleared forests. In addition, we clear brush from the tops of ditches and provide assistance during drainage canal creation.
Forest harvesting

Forest harvesting
Purchase of cutting rights and forest harvesting as a comprehensive package from cutting to the realisation of timber and slash.

Cutting brush with a guillotine
Cutting brush with a guillotine is carried out in young growth where trees are at least eight metres tall.

Forest management plan
The forest management plan gives an overview of the growing forest stock and helps in planning different cutting and reforestation works.
Cutting services
Every day we use three sets of forestry equipment to carry out cutting all across Estonia. The set includes a harvester for cutting and a forwarder for timber extraction.
In softer terrain and in young stands requiring initial thinning, we use a harvester based on a crawler excavator. Its wider tracks and smaller dimensions help preserve the ground and prevent damage to the remaining trees.
We use Mus-Max 10 wood chippers on Volvo trucks to shred slash, branches and brush.
When the cutting is complete, we level the tracks and even out the roads with a CAT excavator. In addition, we create new or repair existing land improvement ditches and install culverts. If needed, we help out with soil mineralisation and reforestation.
In softer terrain and in young stands requiring initial thinning, we use a harvester based on a crawler excavator. Its wider tracks and smaller dimensions help preserve the ground and prevent damage to the remaining trees.
We use Mus-Max 10 wood chippers on Volvo trucks to shred slash, branches and brush.
When the cutting is complete, we level the tracks and even out the roads with a CAT excavator. In addition, we create new or repair existing land improvement ditches and install culverts. If needed, we help out with soil mineralisation and reforestation.

Price of cutting
Depending on the time of the year, the price of cutting ranges between 16–18 euros per cut cubic metre of timber. The price is determined by the location of the forest holding and the accessibility to forestry equipment.
The price of timber depends largely on the season and the prices on the timber market. For instance, a warm and rainy winter can make the removing of roundwood from the forest more challenging, leading to a potential shortage in the market. This scarcity can result in increased purchasing prices.
By contrast, dry seasons or freezing temperatures are beneficial for cutting operations and can cause situations on the market where the buyers’ warehouses are full of roundwood. In such circumstances, the purchase prices will inevitably fall.
The price of timber depends largely on the season and the prices on the timber market. For instance, a warm and rainy winter can make the removing of roundwood from the forest more challenging, leading to a potential shortage in the market. This scarcity can result in increased purchasing prices.
By contrast, dry seasons or freezing temperatures are beneficial for cutting operations and can cause situations on the market where the buyers’ warehouses are full of roundwood. In such circumstances, the purchase prices will inevitably fall.

Forest harvesting
Purchase of cutting rights and forest harvesting as a complete solution which includes cutting services and extraction of timber together with its realisation.
A considerable amount of slash is created during the cutting process, for example waste from brush, branches and non-standard pieces of the trunk. We shred such logging residues into wood chips using a wood chipper, eliminating the need for forest owners to separately purchase additional services for disposing of logging waste.
Furthermore, we undertake site cleanup, level tracks and roads, and provide assistance in the establishment of drainage canals and the installation of culverts.

Forest management plan
A forest management plan gives the forest owner a good overview of the forest’s overall health and the estimated growing stock volume. Thereby, it is possible to manage the forest more efficiently and get maximum return from the sale of cutting rights.
A forest management plan is needed to sell cutting rights. In case a forest management plan has not been previously prepared, our forest manager can assess the growing stock of standing timber and its value on-site.
A forest management plan is needed to sell cutting rights. In case a forest management plan has not been previously prepared, our forest manager can assess the growing stock of standing timber and its value on-site.

Cutting brush with a guillotine
Cutting brush in younger forests proves to be profitable aged at least ten years, with a height of seven to eight metres and a diameter at least eight centimetres.
Guillotine cutting is mostly used on forest land which requires a change in intended land use or to clear less-valuable tree species in order to promote the growth of more suitable and valuable tree species.
We use the timber from cut down brush to produce wood chips. In recent years, the price of energy wood has been trending upwards because the European Union has decided to close coal-based power plants and boiler houses.
Guillotine cutting is mostly used on forest land which requires a change in intended land use or to clear less-valuable tree species in order to promote the growth of more suitable and valuable tree species.
We use the timber from cut down brush to produce wood chips. In recent years, the price of energy wood has been trending upwards because the European Union has decided to close coal-based power plants and boiler houses.